Play Store Listing and App Store Optimization (ASO)
Keyword search :
Before optimizing any App Store, thorough keyword research should be done. With proven keyword research techniques, we ensure that we find all the right keywords that users use to search for apps like yours. Not only do we get keywords directly, but we also search for long keywords that are relevant to your app. Based on this keyword research, we formulate a complete App Store optimization strategy. As one of the leading ASO experts in Delhi, we have made strategic and the best way to make your app a keyword ranking that we have identified. The entire plan is then put in place to ensure that your app ranks first when a user searches for any of these keywords. This ranking is achieved with searches performed in the App Store as well as directly in the search engine.
App Name :
Once you find the right keywords to use in your app, the first step is to optimize the app name for those keywords. Most developers named their business in the app name, but this is not the correct ASO strategy. Instead, the name of the app should contain your keyword for which you are trying to rank the app. Not only this, the keyword must come at the beginning of the app name to get maximum SEO effect. In fact, the business name of your app will not be added to the app name unless space allows it. The most important aspect of an app name is having the right keywords, as it is one of the most critical aspects of App Store ranking. Research has proven time to time again that apps with keywords under their names rank much higher than apps with no keywords. In fact, even if you check out top-rated apps such as Skype, WhatsApp, etc., you will see that their app names also contain keywords that your app does. Based on this knowledge, we are fully customizing your app name. This is actually the most critical part of App Store optimization that most other ASO agencies miss.
Application icon
Another vital visual element to describe the App Store is the app icon in addition to screenshots. The app icon is the first thing that catches a user’s attention when he searches for anything directly on the Play Store. If you have a viral brand app, then the app icon should ideally represent the brand logo. However, if the app is a brand that is not yet very popular, the app icon must really mean the purpose of the app. For example, if the app is a video player, then there must be a video player with a significant play mark on the app icon. So, depending on what your app does, we create a great looking app icon for you, which differs in the Play Store menu, and helps you beat your competitors. The fantastic app icon can be the highlight determining which app a user clicks to open its details page. As one of the best ASO companies, we really know how to create a Pixel Perfect icon, which looks fabulous, shows what your app is doing, and motivates users to download your app.
Application Details
After optimizing the name of your app, the following and most time-consuming process is to optimize the description of the app to make it SEO friendly. Not only should the app description describe what your app is doing, but it should do so in a way so that it has the correct use of all the right keywords. The description of the app should be written keeping in mind the keywords. There should be no keyword stuffing, but instead, keywords should be sprinkled naturally in the App Store description to get the most SEO benefits. A well-written App Store description can ensure that your app will continue to receive traffic from search engines for a very long time. Not only will this traffic come directly from search in the play store, but it will also come from search engines as users type these keywords in Google / Bing etc.